Carlyne Pederson
Meet Carlyne Pederson, a seasoned expert at the intersection of music, social media, andgraphic design. With four years of hands-on experience in social media marketing and a deeppassion for artistic expression, Carlyne brings a unique perspective to Remedy Music School.Carlyne isn't just teaching a class—she's sharing insights gained from her own journey as bothan artist and a digital marketer. She knows firsthand how social media and striking visuals canpropel your music career forward.Carlyne spent 3 years releasing her own music, under the name of Carlyne Ray. In that time,she recorded and released two singles, an EP, and an Album. Opening up for acts like CodiePrevost of Saskatchewan, and she was nominated for Country Album of the Year at the 2023SCMA Awards for her album “No Hurry In growin’ Up” which was released in 2022. Her time asa recording artist and performer came to a pause after she welcomed her second child in Marchof 2022.Outside of the digital world, Carlyne spends her time with with her two young children, partner,and their newest family member, their dog who they adopted June of 2024 . She loves spendingtime outdoors with her family, having relaxing movie nights in, and attending live music events.Join Carlyne Pederson this year at Remedy Music School and discover how to leverage socialmedia and graphic design to amplify your musical presence and achieve your goals.